Saturday, January 25, 2020

Confessional Poetry Essay -- Poems Poetry poets Essays Confessions Pla

Confessional Poetry I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it – A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen. This excerpt comes from the poem â€Å"Lady Lazarus† by Sylvia Plath, one of the most famous – and infamous – poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath’s poems, such as this one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a distinct style all their own, Plath and her fellow Confessional poets will be forever remembered for their brutal honesty, emotionality, and the personal quality of their poems. Confessional poetry emerged in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, and was identified by its use of the personal pronoun â€Å"I†. At the time, T.S. Eliot and other poets were advocating an impersonal style in their poetry, and a detached loss of connection with the reader. Confessional poetry emerged partly as a reaction to this train of thought; rather, the Confessional poets originated their school on the idea of themselves as unique individuals bringing something personal and distinctive to readers. The rise of this brand of poetry also coincided with the notorious political and social changes that occurred at the same time, and much of this was reflected in the poems. These changes allowed the Confessional poets to explore issues in their work that had previously been taboo, and had never been discussed before in such a public forum, such as abortions, divorces, mental disorders, and suicide. Moreover, these poets were able to use their real lives as â€Å"inspiration† for their art, giving it an intimate diar... ...r white, middle class backgrounds, and are also highly educated, prompting some critics to claim that this style of poetry is merely a bunch of whiney middle-class white folk, complaining about their miserable lives. Others wonder if the use of â€Å"I† excludes some readers rather than forming an intimate connection. Still others believe that confessional poetry is almost a method of false advertising: they point to evidence that some of the poets may have actually exaggerated their true life events to make for a more interesting read, and that the use of the autobiographical style makes for a false sense of connection with the reader. As with any style of poetry, the merits of Confessional poetry are often passionately debated, but the fact remains that these poets maintain a powerful and significant influence over poetry and other works about poetry to this day. Confessional Poetry Essay -- Poems Poetry poets Essays Confessions Pla Confessional Poetry I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it – A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen. This excerpt comes from the poem â€Å"Lady Lazarus† by Sylvia Plath, one of the most famous – and infamous – poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath’s poems, such as this one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a distinct style all their own, Plath and her fellow Confessional poets will be forever remembered for their brutal honesty, emotionality, and the personal quality of their poems. Confessional poetry emerged in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, and was identified by its use of the personal pronoun â€Å"I†. At the time, T.S. Eliot and other poets were advocating an impersonal style in their poetry, and a detached loss of connection with the reader. Confessional poetry emerged partly as a reaction to this train of thought; rather, the Confessional poets originated their school on the idea of themselves as unique individuals bringing something personal and distinctive to readers. The rise of this brand of poetry also coincided with the notorious political and social changes that occurred at the same time, and much of this was reflected in the poems. These changes allowed the Confessional poets to explore issues in their work that had previously been taboo, and had never been discussed before in such a public forum, such as abortions, divorces, mental disorders, and suicide. Moreover, these poets were able to use their real lives as â€Å"inspiration† for their art, giving it an intimate diar... ...r white, middle class backgrounds, and are also highly educated, prompting some critics to claim that this style of poetry is merely a bunch of whiney middle-class white folk, complaining about their miserable lives. Others wonder if the use of â€Å"I† excludes some readers rather than forming an intimate connection. Still others believe that confessional poetry is almost a method of false advertising: they point to evidence that some of the poets may have actually exaggerated their true life events to make for a more interesting read, and that the use of the autobiographical style makes for a false sense of connection with the reader. As with any style of poetry, the merits of Confessional poetry are often passionately debated, but the fact remains that these poets maintain a powerful and significant influence over poetry and other works about poetry to this day.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Kudler Fine Foods Photography Analysis Essay

In order for Kudler Fine Foods to continue being successful, our technology should be constantly updated to keep up with our competitors and stay in line with upgrades. The company must modernize the ways in which consumers identify and differentiate with the Kudler Fine Foods brand. Investing and developing a strong marketing plan using impeccable photography will help increase our retail, online, and direct marketing sales (MindFireInc, 2013). To capitalize on our marketing efforts it is imperative to analyze both the advantages and disadvantages of creating an in-house photography infrastructure versus outsourcing the photography to a professional photographer. The Pros and Cons of Creating the Infrastructure Creating an in-house photography infrastructure will give Kudler Fine Foods the ability to have full control over type of photography produced (Rimagine Designs Co., LTD, 2013). We will be able to customize, according to the specific needs of our company (Rimagine Designs Co., LTD, 2013). In-house photography also gives us the opportunity to edit on location (DT&G Inc, 2012). Not having to wait on an outsourced photographer’s turnaround time will save the company time and money. The cost of producing photographs will be reduced dramatically after the initial investment (DT&G Inc, 2012). There are also some draw backs to in-house photography production. Time constraints are a concern because Kudler Fine Foods will be heavily involved in the photography process (Rimagine Designs Co., LTD, 2013). This would increase the amount of micromanaging employees because of quality control and ensuring an effective budget (Rimagine Designs Co., LTD, 2013). An in-house photography department requires a long term and costly plan. The company will have to purchase equipment, hardware, software, and training that could run the company anywhere from $5000 up to $20000 (DT&G Inc, 2012). Pros and Cons of Outsourcing the Photography to a Professional Photographer Outsourcing photography to a professional photographer requires that Kudler Fine Foods be diligent in finding the right photographer to the needs of the company. The photographer or Photography Company should be reputable, reliable, have access to excellent facilities and equipment (Outsourced E-commerce, 2012). Outsourcing a photographer will free up some of the senior managers time and allow the company to focus on its proficiencies. Rather than consume the company with the photography process we can make good use of the knowledge and skills of an experienced photographer (Outsourced E-commerce, 2012). Some disadvantages include the possibility of the company giving up some of its control of the photography process that may give way to Kudler Fine Foods incurring extra or hidden cost by the photographer (Rimagine Designs Co., LTD, 2013). Communication may be a concern. The photographer may not be able to present the company with what we need, want, or expect (Rimagine Designs Co., LTD, 2013). This will only waste time that could be used for photography production. Kudler Fine Foods also may hire a photographer who produces a weak performance or slow response times (Outsourced E-commerce, 2012). There are also confidentiality and security issues when outsourcing a photographer as they may also work for a competitor (Rimagine Designs Co., LTD, 2013). Legal ramifications that come into play when using an in-house model can be substantial. If a photographer took a picture in a park and use it in an advertisement you could face legal problems. The best approach to taking pictures and using photos for personal gain would be to become familiar with the parks guidelines. There are other issues that may cause legal issues would be if a photographer wanted to take a picture on someone’s property it may be difficult to gain access to do take said picture. Trespassing just to photograph some picture is a bit much, making sure that you follow guidelines and protocol can only help you obtain the photo you want. Out-sourcing instead of in-house has more than just legal issues you could run into unwanted results. The legal issues that you may encounter when out-sourcing your photographic needs maybe weak performance, what you pay for may not be what you get. Costs may be misquoted also known as hidden costs and fees. There is definitely a downside of photography done in-house. Employees should have training in use of the specialize equipment needed to produce quality pictures. The budget has to support the cost of hiring a professional as well as purchasing the equipment needed to complete the assignment. Coordinating schedules with the photographer can cause scheduling conflicts and delays in initiating the project. Equipment and Cost In-house product photography will provide Kudler Fine Foods with the ability to capture, edit, and format project images using internal resources, equipment, and systems. There are several factors to consider when establishing an in-house photography department. Because our marketing initiative is an ongoing project it will require many product images thus justifying such a lengthy and costly investment (Weilmeier, 2012). We must analyze as well as identify the resources required to develop, finance, implement, and maintain an in-house photography system. Develop a financial plan to feasibly meet our budget constraints (KMAONE, 2013). In order to maintain an in-house photography system, sufficient planning and preparation is vital. Sufficient space must be developed to efficiently operate a photography studio from the Kudler Fine Foods office, which may cost $2500 (Weilmeier, 2012). An in-house photography department must have adequate staffing. A qualified product photographer must have a vast array of creativity, expertise, an extensive understanding of photography concepts, camera equipment and accessory knowledge; possess excellent time management and composition skills as well as camera positioning and angle selection skills (Weilmeier, 2012). Employing such a photographer will require that they be paid salary and wages. According to a study by the U.S. National Salary Averages, a base photographer salary starts at $50K (Salary Wizard, 2013). Image editors may need to be hired to edit, retouch, review, and format. A project manager should also be hired to oversee time management and deadlines as well as quality control to assure that image quality meets company standards (KMAONE, 2013). An employee workspace must be developed as well. Anticipated costs are about $75,000 (Weilmeier, 2012). Train managers and staff to operate the in-house photography system (Weilmeier, 2012). Estimated training cost should be around $2500 (B & H Foto & Electronics Corp, 2013). Cameras, lenses and lighting setup, work space including office furniture, supplies, and equipment run an estimated cost of $15,000 (B & H Foto & Electronics Corp, 2013). IT resources must be established for system development and maintenance, which cost $1500 (B & H Foto & Electronics Corp, 2013). Computer, monitor, and accessories will cost roughly $8000 (B & H Foto & Electronics Corp, 2013). An Adobe Photo Shop program such as Adobe Creative Suite and capture software such as Phase 1 requires a $2500 investment (Weilmeier, 2012). Below are examples of equipment, software, and a breakdown of the total estimated cost for the in-house project. Photography impact the day-to-day store operations under each model Outsourcing the photography contract will not change the daily operations. They have been doing the photography like this for some time. However, keeping the photography outsourced can lead to loss of revenue because it costs more for the pictures to be taken and edited (Flatworld Solutions, 2013). The company can acquire more customers if the pictures on the website reflect the actual products, advertisements and employees. Photography done in-house will change the daily operations some. Like mentioned above the appropriate equipment as well as the area where the photography will take place has to be considered. There will also be management and employee allocated to take on the photography project, this will take company resources. The main functions of the store such as selling gourmet food products will not be affected by the photography infrastructure. How often new photographs could be taken under each model Everyone desires to take professional, perfect, memorable, and persuasive pictures. Depending on the person or the venue pictures can serve different purposes. It does not matter how often pictures should be taken. The frequency of which pictures are taken is dependent on several key factors: the satisfaction of the client, budget, and the time allotted for the entire project. The budget is also pertinent as this is an additional expense. There are many reasons that pictures can be taken under each model. Despite which model is being used there is always a chance of equipment failure. New pictures can be taken at the discretion of the photographer as well at the desire of the client. The model that is being photographed may request the picture be retaken for personal reasons. The photographer may not be satisfied with the photos because of the background lighting maybe off or the props may not be properly setup or the client may not be satisfied with the model (Thein, 2012). The model(s), venue and any props will have to be rented again for the retakes. Retakes can hinder the schedule. Overall there is no limit for taking new pictures under each model; the decision is based solely on the satisfaction of the photographer and the client. The in house structure may allow more flexibility in retaking the photos versus outsourcing the service as this can definitely add an additional expense to the project. The budget should include the expenses involved in retaking pictures and extra time should be allotted in the schedule for any additional time that maybe needed for new pictures (Flatworld Solutions, 2013). The goal is to have the client completely satisfied and the vision is relayed through the pictures. The potential uses of the photographs and those implications under each model The use of each photograph is there to benefit Kudler Fine Foods and their marketing arena along with the website to use the photos to show different aspects of the company. Many implications come along with the marketing side of the company by using contest and photographs in the stores to give Kudler Fine Foods the edge of the competition. The possibilities are endless with photos and the upgrades the company can create. Conclusion There are copyright laws that the company will have to follow, and release forms to be signed to protect the company as well as the models. If these laws are neglected the company could face detrimental financial and reputation repercussions. In comparing the pros and cons of outsourcing the photography to a professional photographer versus creating the infrastructure to take the photographs in-house, there is great benefit to creating the infrastructure to take the photographs in-house. There is more flexibility in the schedule as well as the decisions can be decided in-house. There is definitely a downside of photography done in-house. Employees should have training in use of the specialize equipment needed to produce quality pictures (Lin, 2005). The budget has to support the cost of hiring a professional as well as purchasing the equipment needed to complete the assignment. Coordinating schedules with the photographer can cause scheduling conflicts and delays in initiating the project. The companies have to take into consideration the pros and cons. Whatever decision is made has to definitely be supportive to the staff’s schedule, the budget and the company’s overall philosophy (Flatworld Solutions, 2013). References B & H Foto & Electronics Corp. (2013). Lighting Studio. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from Conrad, B. (2013). Hearst Communications, Inc. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from How to Compare Small Business Computer Systems: DT&G Inc. (2012). DT&G Photography. Retrieved from Building an In-House Studio: Dell. (2013). Computers for Business. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from Dell: Flatworld Solutions (2013). The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. Retrieved September 15, 2013 Kmaone. (2013). In-house versus Outsourcing. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from Lin, P. (2005). Should You Outsource Your Marketing? Retrieved September 15, 2013, from Media Novak. (2013). 50 Marketing Tips for Photographers. Retrieved from MediaNovak Website Design & Development: MindFireInc. (2013). Retrieved from Mind Fire Studio: Network World, Inc. (1994-2013). Outsourcing vs. keeping it in-house. Retrieved September 15, 2013 Outsourced E-commerce. (2012). Outsourcing Your Photography. Retrieved from Outsourced E-Commerce:

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Development of Plot, Theme and Characters in Macbeth by...

Development of plot, theme and character in Macbeth Macbeth is an absolute amazing novel written by William Shakespeare. In just one of his major scenes, Shakespeare has been able to successfully develop the plot, the main theme and the characters. Act I Scene III has a huge impact on plot development, especially towards the main characters like Macbeth and Banquo. Firstly, it foreshadows the future of the play and gives audience a feeling of curiosity towards the thought of prophecies coming true or not- especially when one has came true. The witches’ prophecies about Banquo are â€Å"Lesser than Macbeth, and greater./ Not so happy, yet much happier./ Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none† (I, iii, 65-68). It is Macbeth and Banquo’s first time meeting the weird sisters, but they’ve already started to receive odd prophecies about their own future. Secondly, this scene foreshadows Macbeth’s possible negative actions in the future. In his aside, he said â€Å"My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,/ Shakes so my single state of man that function/ Is smother’d in surmise, and nothing is,/ But what is not† (I, iii, 139- 142). Macbeth is already starting to imagine about murder- something he has not dared to think about before. Furthermore, this scene creates a revelation of the relationship between Banquo and Macbeth. They are the only ones in the play who know about the witches’ prophecies, and that one of the prophecies came true. How will each of these two charactersShow MoreRelatedMacbeth (Witches Effect) Essays1124 Words   |  5 Pageswitches to Macbeth? Discuss the effects of the witches on character, plot, themes and audience. In the play of ‘Macbeth by William Shakespeare the witches have an important effect on Macbeth, the characters, the plot, the theme and the audience. They help construct the play and without them it would have been a totally different story line. 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